My blog will focus mainly on how certain cultures are portrayed in media and politics.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Speaking of Africa!
Speaking of Africa a fellow country in Africa Uganda has had a virus emerge- Marburg. The virus is said to be both deadly and contagious. The virus is being compared to the previous rage Ebola. The virus emerged on October 19th, 2017. A known symptom of the virus is a headaches, cramping, hemorrhagic fever (aches, fevers, internal bleeding), vomiting, diarrhea. Like most virus it is transmitted through bats, rodents and the like. As of the CNN article dated November 2nd, 2017 there were three confirmed deaths from the virus. It is believed that "several hundred people" have been exposed and the Uganda Virus Research is working to contain the virus. While there are no treatments for the disease here is to hoping for containment and not another incident like Ebola.
Military Controlled Zimbabwe
What to know:
Zimbabwe's military has taken over the capital Harare. The "world's oldest living leader" Robert Mugabe of Harare who was reportedly a very strict leader has been placed under house arrest and is no longer in control. Zimbabwe has had two feuding partied that have had a string of violence, murder, etc...
According to CNN, there had been a long standing battle with two conflicting parties in the capital of Harare which had reached its peak. In addition to this, the leader Mugabe fired his VP which lead to rumors he was to appoint his wife who is "widely disliked within the party".
What is the point?
The goal of the takeover (which the Zimbabwe military is denying it as a takeover) was to snuff out criminals and criminal activity which had been affecting the Zimbabwe government.
What is next?
According to the Zimbabwe military government "this is not a military takeover of government... As soon as we accomplish our mission we expect (the) situation to return to normalcy."
Only time will tell!
For the full article:
Zimbabwe's military has taken over the capital Harare. The "world's oldest living leader" Robert Mugabe of Harare who was reportedly a very strict leader has been placed under house arrest and is no longer in control. Zimbabwe has had two feuding partied that have had a string of violence, murder, etc...
According to CNN, there had been a long standing battle with two conflicting parties in the capital of Harare which had reached its peak. In addition to this, the leader Mugabe fired his VP which lead to rumors he was to appoint his wife who is "widely disliked within the party".
What is the point?
The goal of the takeover (which the Zimbabwe military is denying it as a takeover) was to snuff out criminals and criminal activity which had been affecting the Zimbabwe government.
What is next?
According to the Zimbabwe military government "this is not a military takeover of government... As soon as we accomplish our mission we expect (the) situation to return to normalcy."
Only time will tell!
For the full article:
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Let's try something different
This week's post is a little different than usual. Below I will link "This Week in 27 Photos" published by CNN on October 27th. The slideshow provides images of events that happened around the world this past week. Some good, some bad but all reflect the world we live in and the myriad of people, cultures, arts, and so many other things we have come to blend together. The slide covers events and organizations like floods, ISIS, North Korea, forrest fires, activist and a few others.
Honestly, I just thought some of the photos were beautiful and needed to be shared!
Picture # 12 is my favorite!
Honestly, I just thought some of the photos were beautiful and needed to be shared!
Picture # 12 is my favorite!
Monday, October 16, 2017
"Who Are The Kurds?"
Whilst searching CNN for my weekly story I came across an excellent short clip that gives some background information into the Kurds. To summarize the clip:
The "Kurds" or Kurdish people are about "25-30 million" people that primarily reside in the Middle East like Turkey and Syria. As much of the world, Kurds were affected by former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein who threatened and even bombed those who spoke out against his power. These actions killed "tens of thousands" of Kurds. While they fight for their own country and independence the film shares why that may not be possible for the people anytime soon.
Overall, the clip sheds light on a culture we hear so little about in a positive light.
The "Kurds" or Kurdish people are about "25-30 million" people that primarily reside in the Middle East like Turkey and Syria. As much of the world, Kurds were affected by former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein who threatened and even bombed those who spoke out against his power. These actions killed "tens of thousands" of Kurds. While they fight for their own country and independence the film shares why that may not be possible for the people anytime soon.
Overall, the clip sheds light on a culture we hear so little about in a positive light.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Updates on DACA
Well readers,
A "solution" has been in the making in regards to the DACA program and the millions of Dreamers that make up America. Sunday night some "rules" for keeping DACA in place were released. The rules included heavier border control, decreasing the number of immigrants allowed in to America, strengthening the process of obtaining green cards and much more. What was supposed to be reasonable does not feel very reasonable. During an interview House leader Nancy Pelosi described the previous 6 month crack down by stating "the president should never have done what he did... it was inhumane". Do you agree with her statement?
A "solution" has been in the making in regards to the DACA program and the millions of Dreamers that make up America. Sunday night some "rules" for keeping DACA in place were released. The rules included heavier border control, decreasing the number of immigrants allowed in to America, strengthening the process of obtaining green cards and much more. What was supposed to be reasonable does not feel very reasonable. During an interview House leader Nancy Pelosi described the previous 6 month crack down by stating "the president should never have done what he did... it was inhumane". Do you agree with her statement?
Monday, October 2, 2017
Beautiful Barcelona
Oh my dear Spain. A country I have previously visited and instantly fell in love with. However, sadly, no country is completely perfect. Catalonia by all rights is a separate nation- it has its own language, flag, anthem, you name it. However, legally, it is still a part of Spain. Catalonia has petitioned to become a separate country of its own for quite some time now and like most outcomes nowadays- it has turned violent. Catalonia held a vote where 90% of its participants voted for the split! Among the result a riot ensued between citizens and police. The violence was tamed and the government was given 48 hours to give a decided answer. What do you believe the final outcome will be? What would you decide?
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Dear Maria,
Recently, I noticed how much I have talked about North Korea lately because it has been all over the news! However, this week I decided to switch it up a little bit. Let's talk about Puerto Rico. Everyone knows the situation that is Puerto Rico right now and the tragedies they have encountered the past week. So what did our darling President have to say about Hurricane Maria? Well, Donald Trump chose one outlet to speak about the event- Twitter. Yesterday, Trump posted a slew of tweets from the early morning throughout the day. After feeling backed into a corner for not helping Puerto Rico as adequately as he should have Trump responded to the mayor of Puerto Rico. Sadly, all Trump did was make the situation much worse. Instead of focusing on the victims of the hurricane Trump has decided to focus on protecting his image. Trump claims that there has been much fake news in regards to his attempts to help Puerto Rico and that in all actuality he has been more than generous. What do you think?
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Keeping Up With Korea
It seems that dear old North Korea cannot stay out of the spotlight this week. Dictator, leader, adolescent, whatever you choose he prefers the name Kim Jong Un. This week Kim vowed to get his revenge on President Donald Trump for "denying the existence of his country and insulting him" while addressing the United Nations earlier. Obviously the state of North Korea is hard to ignore at this point and President Trump is simply trying to stand his ground. Personally, I view Kim Jong Un as an adult sized infant who should not be in charge of himself let alone an entire country. However, that is just that - my opinion. The fact that Kim has access to nuclear weapons is what is alarming. The threat of nuclear warfare between our two opposing countries has been building up over the past few months. Will this be the statement that sends poor Kim over the edge?
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Back to North Korea
To have so much negative energy amongst the country North Korea sure does love the spotlight...
Today, CNN featured an article discussing North Korean defectors. Defectors are those who have spoken out against their country, their leader, their ideals, etc. CNN interviewed North Korean defectors to see how it has affected them- past and present.
The article was eye-opening.
One woman interviewed, Grace Jo, was raised in North Korea in the 1990's during which a famine was occurring. Jo and her family escaped and now live in the United States where she voices concern for her former neighbors. Jo discusses how the state of North Korea has become so appalling that she hopes for a military act of defiance on North Korea's part just so someone will shoot North Korea down.
In the video featured, the newest event in North Korea is that a group of restaurant owners (defectors coincidentally) have gone "missing". Their families believe they are being held captive and fear that they will face "prison camps, abandonment or worse".
Do you think you would have the courage to speak out against someone you believed was in the wrong? What consequences would you face for doing so? I believe that the United States feels much sympathy for North Korean and that we truly do want to help. However, we are aware that by doing so we will enrage a vicious leader (Kim Jong Un). With the threat of a missile launching the United States may soon find herself backed against a wall and have no choice but to retaliate.
Friday, September 8, 2017
What is DACA?
On Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump announced the "end" of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) founded by former President Barack Obama in June of 2012. I will be honest, I had never heard of DACA or even knew anything about it until this week. What I have learned so far is this:
What are your opinions of the program and do you think Congress will have an answer?
- DACA is a program that protects undocumented people from age fifteen to thirty two
- I put "end" in quotations because the decision has actually now been handed over to Congress
- DACA applicants are not solely based out of Latin America as media portrays (although 75% are originally from Mexico due to proximity)
- Almost 75 % of recipients have lived in the United States for ten years or more
As stated previously, I do not know all of the facts of the situation but my opinion is this: it is tricky. There are two things that I feel confident in saying and that is that 1) you cannot appease everyone with either outcome and 2) I do not believe Congress will answer this proposal in six short months. Personally, I am split in my feelings. I feel sympathetic for individuals who have grown up here and do not even associate the place they were born in with the word "home". I have both friends and coworkers who are here because of actions such as DACA. Alternatively, unemployment is still an issue in America (typically revolving around four percent) and most of these recipients are employed in the United States. I do not consider DACA recipients to be outsiders of the United States but I also feel that America needs to focus much much more heavily on themselves before attempting to help other countries.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Let's Talk Korea!
Perhaps one of the biggest issues plaguing America today besides the effects of Hurricane Harvey are the consistent threats of nuclear warfare between us (the United States) and North Korea! How has America come to view North Korea? Do we feel saddened for its citizens? Do we feel anger towards its government? Do we generalized all of North Korea in to one category? For the most part the answer is yes, however this may not be a bad thing! We should all have compassion for the citizens of North Korea but at the same time I feel that we have to realize that their government has silenced its citizens for a long time now. Currently, the "voice" of North Korea is not particularly fond of the United States. Last week, North Korea launched a missile 1,678 miles from their coast to that of Japan's in a slim fifteen minutes! While we should not place such a generalization on an entire country it is difficult when they are launching missiles! Sadly, I feel that this is one cultural view that (so far) has not been proven wrong. North Korea has every intent to seclude themselves. When the world will not let you do that (for good reason) you (the country) will almost always retaliate in the end...
Monday, August 21, 2017
Hello classmates! My blog will consist mainly of how media portrays different cultures across the world. I am very very new to blogs so please bear with me!
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