Perhaps one of the biggest issues plaguing America today besides the effects of Hurricane Harvey are the consistent threats of nuclear warfare between us (the United States) and North Korea! How has America come to view North Korea? Do we feel saddened for its citizens? Do we feel anger towards its government? Do we generalized all of North Korea in to one category? For the most part the answer is yes, however this may not be a bad thing! We should all have compassion for the citizens of North Korea but at the same time I feel that we have to realize that their government has silenced its citizens for a long time now. Currently, the "voice" of North Korea is not particularly fond of the United States. Last week, North Korea launched a missile 1,678 miles from their coast to that of Japan's in a slim fifteen minutes! While we should not place such a generalization on an entire country it is difficult when they are launching missiles! Sadly, I feel that this is one cultural view that (so far) has not been proven wrong. North Korea has every intent to seclude themselves. When the world will not let you do that (for good reason) you (the country) will almost always retaliate in the end...